Licence of a management company acting pursuant to the Law on the Managers of Alternative Collective Investment Undertakings

No. 3 Date 2017-10-02
Company Information
Title UAB ,,INVL Asset Management"
Company code 126263073
Decision maker
Executive Director of Supervision Service
Activity Date Decision No. Issuer
Management of real estate collective investment undertakings 2024-06-25 441-106 Finansų rinkos priežiūros komitetas
Management of collective investment undertakings investing into other collective investment undertakings 2024-06-25 441-106 Finansų rinkos priežiūros komitetas
Management of private equity collective investment undertakings 2024-06-25 441-106 Finansų rinkos priežiūros komitetas
Management of collective investment undertakings intended for informed investors, including management of collective investment undertakings intended for professional investors 2017-10-02 241-173 Executive Director of Supervision Service