Licence of a management company acting pursuant to the Law on the Collective Investment Undertakings

No. VĮK-019 Date 2011-11-10
Company Information
Title UAB ,,Novus Asset Management"
Company code 302633413
Decision maker
The Securities Commision of the Republic of Lithuania
Activity Date Decision No. Issuer
Management of undertakings for collective investment into transferable securities 2011-11-10 2K-218 The Securities Commision of the Republic of Lithuania
Management of collective investment undertakings established under the Republic of Lithuania Law on Collective Investment Undertakings Intended for Informed Investors 2015-04-23 03-60 Board of the Bank of Lithuania
Consulting on the issues of investments into financial instruments 2011-11-10 2K-218 The Securities Commision of the Republic of Lithuania
Management of portfolios of financial instruments belonging to other persons 2011-11-10 2K-218 The Securities Commision of the Republic of Lithuania