Bank of Lithuania

Client service offices of Lithuanian PSPs in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (branches, subsidiaries, including places where payment services are provided through payment devices served by the employees of the PSPs or their intermediaries). Mobile client service offices are not included.

Attention_2023 04 03

Due to changes in the requirements of payment statistics reporting at the beginning of 2022, preliminary data are published and revised with each new quarter or in the event of significant changes.

To see charts, please add indicators from table

Measurement units: VIENETAI (units)

sorting sorting Q2/2022 sorting Q3/2022 sorting Q4/2022 sorting Q1/2023 sorting Q2/2023 sorting Q3/2023 sorting Q4/2023 sorting Q1/2024 sorting Q2/2024
Number of client service offices of credit institutions 403 399 394 393 391 389 380 318 315
Number of client service offices of payment and electronic money institutions1 3,009 2,939 3,165 3,147 3,258 3,251 3,239 3,135 3,202
Last update: 14-06-2023